Monday, December 26, 2011

"Re: why do humans express themselves?

People express themselves because humans as social beings, both want to know
about other people, and want others to know about them. This is why we speak and
write. Sometimes other tools, such as poetry, music and drawing, are more
effective ways of expressing themselves, hence they are used. "


I keep stopping myself from "showing myself to others" and therefore have become very reserved lately. Maybe because I'm sick of that side of me that always feels inferior, and sick of the past me who always said and did things that would hopefully reach the standards of others. I stop myself from speaking to prevent that from happening. Obviously the wrong way to do it, but what else?

Why must we be social animals, why must I feel lonely, why do I need love, why can't I just live myself and (really) be happy with it? I prefer to be alone only because I dislike awkward small talks I have with most people, not because I really enjoy it. I don't know what made me hate interaction so much. Bad experiences? of what sort? I don't even know. Or rahter, why do I find it so difficult to live with people?


Do people know who I really am?

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